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- Ample Notice Version 3.00
- Revised April 10, 1993
- (c) Copyright 1987 - 1992 by Mark Harris
- All rights reserved.
- The main programs on this disk are:
- AN.EXE - the appointments calendar program,
- ALARM.COM - the pop-up alarm clock,
- OUTSIDE.COM - an envelope addresser which takes addresses from
- screen or file.
- To get started using AN and ALARM first make a backup copy of this
- disk, then print the AN manual. The manual has about 46 pages and
- can be printed in its entirety by entering
- To skip the first 4 pages and print the rest of the manual, type
- To view the manual on the screen use the /S option; e.g.
- The documentation for OUTSIDE is in the file OUTSIDE.DOC. You can
- print or view this file in a similar way:
- Ample Notice installation is described in AN.DOC. The basic idea
- is to put the Ample Notice disk in the default drive, then type
- ANSETUP. If you are updating from versions 2.00 - 2.04 of Ample
- Notice, see AN2TO3.DOC. You can use PRINTMAN as with the other
- DOC files described above.
- You are licensed to try out the Ample Notice period for a trial
- period of 60 days. After that, you must register if you want to
- continue to use the software. The file REGISTER.DOC contains a
- registration form.
- Granny's Old-Fashioned Software is a member organization of the
- Association of Shareware Professionals and endorses its high
- standards for Shareware distribution and support. If you obtained
- Ample Notice from a disk catalog or bulletin board, Granny's does
- not receive a cent from the amount you paid. We rely on your
- registrations to keep going - please see details below.
- If you are a registered user of a previous version of Ample Notice
- you may obtain the new printed manual for $5 (foreign: $7) from
- Granny's. Changes from version 2.04 include:
- The program is fully 'moused'. While a mouse is not required,
- you can perform many operations more efficiently with a mouse.
- Pull-down menus are used, and command organization is improved.
- (Quick keys still let you act immediately as an alternative.)
- 43 and 50 row displays are now supported.
- The help system is much improved and includes examples of
- appointment syntax.
- Categories are easier to use. Ample Notice will remember which
- categories were selected last next time the program is run.
- Configuration file options are more intuitive. Several new
- options have been added.
- The screen territory has been redistributed to give more space
- to appointments and less to the monthly calendar.
- These changes and many more are described in the manual (printed
- or disk version).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- You may get an 'Out of Environment' message if you try to run
- ANSETUP from a DOS box under Windows. In this case, exit Windows
- and install Ample Notice from the DOS prompt. (Then you can run
- Windows again with no problem.)
- If you get an 'Out of Environment' message during AN installation
- when you're just running DOS, you need to increase the size of
- your DOS environment. With DOS versions 4 and later, you can
- include the line
- SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /e:512 /p
- in your CONFIG.SYS file to increase your environment size to 512
- bytes. You'll have to boot your computer for the new setting to
- take effect.
- If you plan to run Ample Notice under DESQview or Windows, please
- see the file TECH.DOC for recommended installation.
- Also see TECH.DOC if you have problems with calendar borders on
- printouts.
- If you are unable to use the Help option in Ample Notice, modify
- the CONFIG.CAL file to include the location of the help file
- AN.HLP; e.g.
- HelpFile C:\AN3\AN.HLP
- If you have a laser printer (HP compatible) and enjoy REALLY
- compressing your appointments, we have a font that will let you
- print 25 characters per inch; with it, you can pack 176 lines by
- 200 columns onto a page. If you would like to obtain this font
- and the directions for using it, please send your request with $3
- to Granny. Also, we can provide instructions for printing in
- landscape mode upon request.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you want to see Ample Notice automatically the first time you
- turn on your computer each day, but not after subsequent power-up
- cycles, there is a simple way to accommodate this objective.
- There is a short executable file called ANTODAY.COM on the Ample
- Notice disk which can be used in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to run
- AN.EXE (and any other programs you like) only if today's date is
- different from the date stored the last time that ANTODAY ran.
- Just include ANTODAY followed by the letter of the drive on which
- you want to save the date (normally C: if you have a hard drive).
- ANTODAY returns to the batch file that calls it the value 0 if the
- date has not changed and 1 if it has. Here is how you might
- include it in AUTOEXEC.BAT:
- antoday c:
- if not errorlevel 1 goto etc
- an
- :etc
- The line(s) between "if not..." and ":etc" are executed only if
- the date has changed. ANTODAY keeps the last access date in the
- file ANDATE, so don't remove this file.
- A new option for CONFIG.CAL has been added. If you have too many
- appointments in a month to print a single month in Month Style
- printouts, you'll get the message
- Appointment won't fit in column - use wider/longer column.
- If you haven't tried the 'Tiny' print style, select this style and
- try again. If you still can't fit a month onto a page, add the
- line
- OneLine
- to CONFIG.CAL and run AN again. The new OneLine option causes
- only the first lines of appointments to be printed in Month
- printouts (but leaves List printouts as before).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can obtain the current Ample Notice disk from Granny's Old-
- Fashioned Software for $5 or a registered package for $35.
- (Shipping for US/Canada/Mexico included; other orders please add
- $3.) Registration provides the following benefits:
- 1. A current version of the Ample Notice disk.
- 2. A printed manual.
- 3. A mail-in card for a free update of Ample Notice.
- 4. Telephone support for your technical questions.
- Shareware does not mean 'public domain'. Distribution is
- permitted only if the package stays intact; all files should be
- passed on in unmodified form. Commercial distributors may sell
- copies of the package subject to the conditions described in the
- VENDOR.DOC file. Restrictions to use by an individual are
- described in LICENSE.DOC. One of these restrictions is that
- unregistered use of Ample Notice past a trial period of 60 days is
- prohibited.
- To register, phone (with MC or VISA) (704) 264-6906, fax (704)
- 264-4634, or mail payment to:
- Granny's Old-Fashioned Software
- Route 4, Box 216
- Boone, NC 28607-9423
- North Carolina residents please add 6%. Please pay by MC/VISA,
- check in US funds drawn on US bank, or by cash. Foreign orders
- may send cash in dollars or in local currency (no coins), but
- please allow a small margin for exchange rate fluctuations.
- An order form is provided on disk under the name REGISTER.DOC.
- As an alternative, those in Europe wishing to register can do
- so through EuroSoft, a transatlantic shareware registration scheme.
- Residents of the UK or Scandanavia should send £22 sterling (includes
- shipping) to:
- Mains House,
- Tillicoultry,
- Clackmannanshire,
- FK13 6PQ,
- UK.
- Residents of the rest of Europe should send DM 57 (includes
- shipping) to:
- Credit Suisse,
- CH-3800 Interlaken,
- 0367-206054-50, Abegglen Heinz.
- _______
- ____|__ | (tm)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- For five or more users at a single site the following
- licensing arrangements are available:
- Registration only: $30 for the first user, $15/user for the
- next first four, $10 each additional after that.
- Manual and disk: add $5.
- For example, if you want to register 20 users and need only 4
- disk/manual packages the amount would be 1 x $30 + 4 x $15 + 15 x $10 +
- 4 x $5 = $260.
- For large sites licensing costs are lower; call us to negotiate.
- Also available from Granny's is LQ, a program for the IBM PC
- and compatible computers which will allow you to produce high-
- quality text in a variety of fonts and modes on 9-pin dot matrix
- printers. LQ can be 'locked' into memory to function
- inconspicuously with your favorite word processor or other
- program. The program includes a print spooler which can be set to
- any length from 1 - 400K characters. The spooler has been
- customized to work with LQ's long graphics sequences very
- efficiently (using about 1/40 the space required by a conventional
- spooler); you can continue using your computer for other tasks
- while documents print in the background.
- LQ is available from Granny's Old-Fashioned Software at $35
- for the registered package or $10 for the distribution disk.
- North Carolina residents please add 6%, foreign orders $3.
- Foreign: MC, VISA or U.S. funds drawn on U.S. bank, please.
- Granny's reserves the right to change the above prices in the
- future.
- _______
- ____|__ | (tm)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- For five or more users at a single site the following licensing
- arrangements are available:
- Registration only: $35 for the first user (includes 1 disk, 1
- manual, 1 update), $18/user for the next four (registration
- only), $12 each additional after that. Manual and disk sets:
- add $5 each.
- For example, if you want to register 20 users and need only 4
- disk/manual packages the amount would be 1 x $35 + 4 x $18 + 15 x $12 +
- 4 x $5 = $307.
- For large sites licensing costs are lower; call us to negotiate.
- Also available from Granny's is LQ, a program for the IBM PC and
- compatible computers which will allow you to produce high-quality
- text in a variety of fonts and modes on 9-pin dot matrix printers.
- LQ can be 'locked' into memory to function inconspicuously with
- your favorite word processor or other program. The program
- includes a print spooler which can be set to any length from 1 -
- 400K characters. The spooler has been customized to work with
- LQ's long graphics sequences very efficiently (using about 1/40
- the space required by a conventional spooler); you can continue
- using your computer for other tasks while documents print in the
- background.
- LQ is available from Granny's Old-Fashioned Software at $35 for
- the registered package or $5 for the distribution disk. North
- Carolina residents please add 6%, foreign orders $3. Foreign: MC,
- VISA or U.S. funds drawn on U.S. bank, please.
- Granny's reserves the right to change the above prices in the
- future.